
Various Types of Business Letters 1

There are a number of types of business letters in English.
Accomplished speakers of English also need to be able to write the following types of business letters to be successful in business.
Begin with a clear understanding of 
business letter writing basics.
Once you’ve understood basic layout styles, standard phrases, salutation and endings, continue to improve your business letter writing skills by learning to write the following 
types of business letters.

Learn English on Twitter!

What’s Twitter you might ask?
The excellent English Learning website English as a 2nd Language has a great explanation:

“Twitter is a tool that you can use to send messages of up to 140 characters to a group of followers while you also follow others.
To understand, here is a video called
Twitter in Plain English which provides a good introduction: This is a great tool that works with any device that you use to connect to the Internet. The messages are short, and easy to read.
It’s the perfect platform to practice English structure, idioms and phrases!”

Start here!
This short YouTube video, Twitter in Plain English, will give you an overview of the service!

Then, you can follow me @PierreGESLiN
See you there!

Vous vivez en Wallonie? Essayez Wallangues.be!

Wallangues est une initiative de la Wallonie permettant à tous ses résidents de se former en néerlandais, anglais, français et allemand gratuitement et simplement.

Grâce à Wallangues, vous aurez la possibilité d’apprendre une ou plusieurs langues ou d’en approfondir la connaissance, où vous voulez, quand vous voulez, depuis n’importe quel ordinateur connecté à Internet. Wallangues s’adresse à tous les niveaux : du débutant complet aux niveaux avancés.

Poursuivez votre visite de Wallangues en consultant les pages suivantes si vous souhaitez :

Excellente visite sur Wallangues et bon apprentissage des langues grâce à la Wallonie !

L’équipe Wallangues.

Try it out and let us know what you feel about this excellent initiative! 


English dictations

Graded English dictations

This site offers Graded English dictations with fast, studio-quality sound free online.
Excellent for listening comprehension and written expression.Choose your English dictation. You’ll hear it read four times :

* first, the whole passage is read at normal speed for you to listen for gist;
* second, each phrase is read slowly twice, with punctuation, as you write;
* then the whole passage is read again for you to check your work;
* finally, the written text is shown – count your mistakes.