Irregular Verbs

List of 213 English Irregular Verbs’s Irregular Verbs List is one of the most comprehensive lists available. Below is our common English irregular verbs list which includes 213 verbs and shows the infinitive, the past simple and the past participle forms.


  • Alternate forms are separated by a / character.
  • Click on a verb to view the definition and extended information about it including the 3rd person singular and the present participle / gerund forms.
  • Our complete list of 623 irregular verbs provides 410 extra definitions and includes rare and antiquated forms. Sign up for free now!
  • Download the PDF version of our Common Irregular Verb List (64K) which is perfect to print and share.

Irregular Verb List (PDF)

Download the PDF version of our Common Irregular Verb List which is perfect to print and share.

Irregular Verb List PDFDownload Irregular Verb List (PDF)